6 Alasan Kenapa Anda Harus Menggunakan Pintu Angsuran Nama Putih

 Nations That Had the Most noteworthy Number of Champs in DV-2011

Per Area 203(c) of the Movement and Nationality Act (INA) a most extreme of up to 55,000 worker visas are given each monetary year to give movement openings for people from nations other than the foremost sources of current migration to the US. The Nicaraguan and Central American Alleviation Act (NACARA) that was passed by the Congress in November 1997 stipulates that from DV-99, and for as long as required, up to 5,000 of the 55,000 annually-allocated differences visas will be made accessible for utilize beneath the NACARA program. Since of this the DV-2010 yearly constrain was diminished to 50,000. DV visas (green cards) are separated and issued among six geographic locales. A single nation cannot get more than seven percent of the accessible differing qualities visas in any given year.

The comes about of the 2009 Differing qualities Visa (green card) lottery was distributed. Concurring to the U.S. State Division there were a add up to of 16.1 million passages for the program counting all family (subsidiary) individuals. Concurring to news reports, 12.1 million applications were recorded, which suggests that each enrollment checked for an normal of 1.4 candidates each, counting the rule candidate, his/her companion and children.

The most elevated number of champs in DV-2011 green card lottery program were born within the taking after nations:

Ghana - 6002, Nigeria - 6000, Ukraine - 6000, Bangladesh - 5999, Ethiopia - 5200, Uzbekistan - 5091, Kenya - 4689, Egypt - 4251, Sierra Leone - 3911, Cameroon - 3674, Iran - 2819, Equitable republic of the Congo - 2575, Turkey - 2266, Nepal - 2189, Morocco - 2003, Germany - 1895, Liberia - 1826 , Algeria - 1753, Albania - 1469.

Effective candidates of the DV-2011 green card lottery were informed by mail between May and July of 2010. For effective DV 2011 participants, the DV migrant visa application prepare is underway and most likely be completed and visas issued by September 30, 2011.

Altogether, the same nations with expansive numbers of lottery victors within the year 2009 green card lottery (DV-2011) moreover had noteworthy sums for the year 2008 green card lottery (DV-2010):

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